Street Dance Workshop
18 JAN
Sydney Dance Company, Neilson Studio (The Thirsty Mile) Wharf 4/5, 15 Hickson Road Walsh Bay Arts Precinct
Government Partners

A fun, energetic session open to all ages and skill levels – including beginners, kids and everyone in between. Expect a party-like atmosphere with no pressure, just enjoyment.
Led by Azzam Mohamed, focus on two elements that define the groove in many street dance styles: the bounce and the rock. Work on rhythms, isolation, footwork and more to deepen your understanding of the connection between dance and music.
Mohamed, AKA Shazam, is a Sudanese dancer and choreographer in Sydney. Heavily involved in the dance community, he’s taught at studios, performed in stage shows and festivals, competed in and judged dance contests and has mentored emerging dancers. He’s the lead artist, choreographer and a dancer in KATMA at Sydney Festival.
This workshop is limited to 40 participants. Bring along towels, extra shirts, water bottles and something for taking notes if necessary. Prepare for an active and sweaty experience.
Government Partners